Sunday 21 February 2010

No one said it was going to be easy

wow, it's been AGES.
holli and myself are stressed stressed stressed with GCSE's and constant truckloads of coursework. the year, so far, has been filled with not the best of memories, i must say, but overall things could be worse. i am currently auditioning for colleges, i have applied to millions! (well, 5 or 6) and am looking forward to summer 2010 where i'll have time to spread my wings and fly. AFter having a nice relaxing half term, it's time to get back to normal. i have sadly been ill for the past 3 weeks and therefore havn't been able to get back into routine, but low and behold it's finally come and no doubt i'm wishing i could have more time to just sit and be. However, i am never too busy for alittle inspiration.
ooh, and..
Hope you had a lovely valentines day (a week late)

tay x