Saturday 27 March 2010

want to fly away? i do.

well, i went to cheltenham today to look for prom dresses and bought everything BUT a prom dress. oops "/. honestly, there is just nothing. do you think it would be classed as socially unexceptable if i turned up wearing a bin bag? because it's looking like it may be my only choice.
anyway, how are you?
i am love love loving auburn hair at the moment, it's inspiring me incredibly soo.

click for source
beautiful beautiful beautiful.

farewell; tay x

Thursday 25 March 2010

forgotten how to breathe.

laugh till you drop dead..

so, lack of inspiration. we have no energy. can not be bothered. should be in bed. no creativity. la la la. cup of tea in order? i think so. and cookies.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

write me a poem and i'll sing you a song

Didn't realise how tiring one day can bee. i'm also always surprised at how fast time flys. i don't think i'll ever get used to it. Longing for some sunshine again. The good news is, is that my brother is home and he is ordering a new charger for my camera. i'm oh-so-excited about it as i will now be able to use my beloved camera again! can't wait to get back to photographing the world again. i've missed it.
i would like to introduce you to some of my all-time-favourite photographers.

Click here for her photostream
i am a huge fan of her photos, her talent is undeniable. and the clear skies in her pictures are making my heart ache.
click here for her photostream
again, these photos make my heart flutter. the effects are so powerful and i love how naturalist her photos are. talent talent talent.
i honestly wish i was able to take photography for A level, however i was unable too as the course that i want to take doesn't allow me enough time to do an extra course on the side. what a bummer!. but hey ho, what can ya doo?
hope all is well and have a magical evening.
all my love love love,, tay.

i fell in love with your soul..

i just 'love' these..

(source; Flickr)
back to reality, quite a relaxed day. not so much running around, which is always good. haven't yet been surprised by anything.. maybe i'm looking too hard? all i know is i'm tired of waiting for something that may or may not even be there. i do have a plan for tonight though, which isn't unusual, i like to know where i'm going.. sketching with some classic tunes, (pink floyd, damien rice and my old friend coldplay.)

a cosy night in is just the solution! i hope you've all had just as fun days.. time to go walking weather i think, i miss the fresh air. maybe i'll ponder about tonight..

holli ,,

Tuesday 23 March 2010

a little love song.

cold outside today. very cold. grey clouds act as a blanket, not that any warmth is being kept in. and i'm bored. extremly bored. I'm beginning to wonder whether winter will ever end, not that i don't love to splash around in puddles and snuggle up in front of the fire.
i've made a beautiful find,
So i've been thinking and i very much want to travel. see places, experience things. i want to wonder, explore, find myself in places i would never have dreamt of. with only my camera and a lolli-pop to help me along the way. i want the sun to shine on my back, feel the warmth of exotic places. tie my hair up, and feel the wind on my face.


trapped once again, after a busy weekend of lake sitting, polaroid taking
and endless giggles with tay.. bliss.
already been thrown into the usual routine of a weekday, and am waiting for
something exciting to happen.
i just can't help myself, he is completely perfect.

(Source; Flickr.)
it's nice just to sit in an oversized jumper with tea in your hand. i haven't sketched in a little while, just putting together a portfolio of drawings.however, tay and i did sit in an art studio for a little while, and i managed to sketch an old fashioned 1940's radio. ill update a snapshot if i get the time..never a minute without inspiration..

(Soucre; Flickr.) Enjoy.. holli..

Sunday 21 March 2010

second day of spring..

over the brook, go to rusty gate on left,
across urban field, pass the fence with the sleeping cat,
look both ways to cross the road on your right,
follow the sign, past a few fields, say hello to horses (must do!!)
turn left, down the leading path,
make sure your quiet whilst walking the shelter of the overgrown trees,
carry on a few paces, until you find the lake,
sit with your toes in the water,

hai ho, the second day of spring is upon us.
as the sun is shining, we thought we'd venture out on an exploration. (to one of our favourite places.) vintage breifcase, sketchpad, beloved polaroid and a half eaten apple.
of course we took many snapshots, as usual. And here are a few. Enjoy.

after seeing 'the bounty hunter,' at the flicks, we decided to dig out all other gerard butler films. (ok holl did.)

our scrapbook..

managed to stay awake till 3 this morning, felt a little tired but of course thats expected. a little overwhelmed at how fantasy isn't for real.. and no, perfect matches aren't true. but we live in hope. films don't exactly help otherwise. but hey, it's not like we can change whats reality, it is what it is. and unfortunately, we have to live with the consequences. as simple as.or maybe not so simple.

tay & holli,,

Monday 15 March 2010

i'm a hopeless romantic..

if we listen carefully, we can just about hear the hum of the rusty pipes..
the continual boredom of a typical monday afternoon is heavy upon us, and in need of a cuppa.
todays task is inevitable, not so sure of our perspective.. oh what a surprise!
on a lighter note, hay there!
the first time in awhile we've properlly been together and thought 'lets write a post!'
however never a dull spot without inspiration!

today; a little colder than usual, however not quite rain coats and wellies weather, (just yet!) tay's a little tired, understatement! and holli is coping.. just.
a prince has not yet swept either of us off our feet, some fairy tale this is turning out to be!
can't wait till summer.
tay & holli x

Saturday 13 March 2010

take a roll of the dice

'When you realise how perfect everything is,
your'll tilt your head back,
and laugh at the sky'

tay x