Sunday 25 July 2010

no-one there to dry your tears

a classics car show was just what i needed to pick up my spirits.
many a car's to chose from, although i think i may have found mine.
a 1974 mercede's SL. as below..

i was filled with such happiness whilst touring these grounds.
managed to take this photo with such difficulty, i turned to walk on and found a couple
staring at me, camera in hand.

(own pictures)

olohah, holli,,

Saturday 17 July 2010


wow, it's been a little while. i'm finding that the more books i'm reading the more
i just want to stay in! i've had little time on my hands to do the things i love.
for one like updating this! but also, i'm finding thatwalking is spreading
out a little further than planned.
at least now with no other responsibilities i am able to focus on my art. as well as updating myself on the music side of life. which ive lacked these past couple'a weeks.

(own pictures)