Sunday 21 March 2010

second day of spring..

over the brook, go to rusty gate on left,
across urban field, pass the fence with the sleeping cat,
look both ways to cross the road on your right,
follow the sign, past a few fields, say hello to horses (must do!!)
turn left, down the leading path,
make sure your quiet whilst walking the shelter of the overgrown trees,
carry on a few paces, until you find the lake,
sit with your toes in the water,

hai ho, the second day of spring is upon us.
as the sun is shining, we thought we'd venture out on an exploration. (to one of our favourite places.) vintage breifcase, sketchpad, beloved polaroid and a half eaten apple.
of course we took many snapshots, as usual. And here are a few. Enjoy.

after seeing 'the bounty hunter,' at the flicks, we decided to dig out all other gerard butler films. (ok holl did.)

our scrapbook..

managed to stay awake till 3 this morning, felt a little tired but of course thats expected. a little overwhelmed at how fantasy isn't for real.. and no, perfect matches aren't true. but we live in hope. films don't exactly help otherwise. but hey, it's not like we can change whats reality, it is what it is. and unfortunately, we have to live with the consequences. as simple as.or maybe not so simple.

tay & holli,,

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